Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Scarpa Craigieburner 2009 Video

Racer skiing down Alan's basin

Jane Harper putting skins on

Racers skinning up through Craigieburn Valley Ski Area

Alexis Poilvert charging to the finish line

Event Summary

The 2009 version of the Scarpa Craigieburner was held on Saturday the 5th of September at both the Craigieburn Valley Ski Area and Broken River Ski Area. The conditions were difficult with hard, wind packed snow and ice meaning skinning and skiing conditions were variable. This lead to some course changes with a lot more bootpacking than initially expected. The sunny weather made for a great day but tough work on the North facing slopes.

28 people completed the event, with a crowd of helpers and cheerleaders assisting and looking on. Most chose the race division. The race started from Koroheke Lodge and ploughed up the middle of Craigieburn Valley Ski Area. Reiner Thoni, a top ranked Canadian racer, set a cracking pace with the trailing pack following. Alexis Poilvert, Gena Sibaev and Jane Harper were the best of the rest as the race entered it’s first booth pack section. Another skinning section and long bootpack up Hamilton Peak saw the racers drop down into Alan’s Basin and traverse across to Kicker Ridge before starting a skin/bootpack to the top of the Ridge Tow. By this stage Sibaev and Poilvert had broken away from Harper in their race to catch Thoni. As they travelled along the ridge Poilvert caught Sibaev in some of the better racing of the day and flew off the final descent from the top of Hamilton Peak to the bottom of the bottom tow. However as fast as he was he couldn’t catch the Canadian. Harper comfortable kept her women’s title. As the first Craigieburn Valley or Broken River member she won the open champion trophy as well.

The lifts division saw a few keen competitors pound out the Craigieburn to Broken River loop in under and hour. Club veteran Andy Evans had a close tussle with Mike Barnes before relinquishing bragging rights. One of the highlights was two junior club members entering and completing the race.

The after match was well attended with tired legs, tall stories and grand prizes. Two pairs of Scarpa ski boots fell the way of two lucky competitors.

The organizers would like to thank Scarpa and Marmot, and Craigieburn Valley and Broken River Ski Areas for their support. They’d also especially like to thank the volunteers who assisted and competitors who turned up. We’re looking forward to 2010 already.


Race Men

1. Rainer Thoni 1hr 14mins 33seconds
2. Alexis Poilvert 1hr 18mins 4seconds
3. Gena Sibaev 1hr 20mins 22seconds

Race Women

1. Jane Harper 1hr 28mins 47seconds
2. Meriedi Liebner 3hr 2mins 30seconds

Rec Men

1. Mike Barnes 53mins 50seconds
2. Andy Evans 58mins 33seconds
3. Scott Couzins 1hr 10mins 32seconds

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Event Schedue

Okay so the plan

8.30am - 9.30am Registration (Prices below)
10.00am Race Start
4.00pm Prize Giving
7.30pm The time that my grandfather (88) and most of the competitors will fall asleep

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cash Cash Cash

Nothing like the folding! That's what we think too and we don't even deal in illegal narcotics. We don't stretch to Eftpos so would appreciate you bringing cash for the event entry fees. Lift tickets can be purchased via other payment means.


The following is a list of required equipment.
- Skis/Snowboard
- Skins (For Lungs Division only)
- Boots
- Poles
- Helmet
- Gloves
- Shell Jacket
- Transceiver
- Shovel
- Probe
- Pack (able to carry skis on it)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


One comment about the courses. These are an ideal case. We have to deal with variables like weather, snowpack conditions etc. before finalising them. We can't really confirm what we will do until right before the event. But I hope these give you an idea for what we have in mind.

Lungs Course

For those with a more sadistic streak you will start at Koroheke and skin, hike your way up through the ski field to the top of Hamilton Peak. From here you will ski down Alan's to the bottom of the BR access tow. Skins back on and up the ridge to the top of the ridge tow. From here you will make your way back to the top of Hamilton Peak. Down to the old poma shed and then a short hike back up to the top of tow three and down middle main to the lunch hut for a finish.

Lifts Course

The "lungs" course will start at Koroheke and from there competitors will race to the first tow (just like a powder day eh?) and then haul their way up to the top of the third tow where they will skate over towards Hamilton Peak. From there a quick skin or boot up Hamilton Peak will see them plummeting down through Alan's basin towards the access tow at BR. Up the BR tows to the the top of ridge tow and long the ridge back to the top of Hamilton Peak. From there people will need to ski down and across past the top of tow three to the middle basin chutes. Down middle main to the lunch hut and a well earned rest.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What is it?

Yes, exactly. What is the Scarpa Craigieburner? Well it has taken many forms in it's 30 plus year existence but today it lives on in two simple categories.

The Open Craigieburner is a ski mountaineering race in the classic sense. Yeah but what's that? Well imagine a day out with friends skinning up one hill, down another, back up there, down over there, hiking that ridge and rolling back down to the trail head. Just imagine doing it quite fast without stopping (much). That's pretty much it. Will it hurt? Probably. However I like this little article Grant posted on his blog on the benefits of these events

The Classic Craigieburner is a ski mountaineering race in a unique, kiwi, Craigieburn Range/Arthurs Pass style of way. Pretty much as per the above but you use the ubiquitous rope tow to do the work going up (mostly that is). Because we are slightly sadistic we will make you walk or skin a short distance. Nothing more than an average day at Craigieburn or Temple Basin might require.

I am toying with the idea of tequila at the finish line. I am angling for a shot for each competitor after an uphill finish. I did say it would hurt.

Entry Prices

Okay we've kept prices the same as last year. They are as follows

Lungs/Open C'Burner - $35 entry fee
Lifts/Classic C'Burner - $15 entry fee, plus a lift ticket at $45

Sounds pretty good to me.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


The Craigieburner is really best appreciated by staying on the mountain. Stay in the Koroheke lodge and enjoy more than one beer on Saturday evening. I'll update accommodation contact details here in the next few days but if you want to get on things then just contact Craigieburn today.

A Little History

The Craigieburner is the oldest ski mountaineering race in New Zealand. It was first run in the 1970's and used to involve skiing from the bottom of tow 3 across to the ridge that drops into Allan's basin and across to Broken River.

It continues today as a slightly unique event. It is really an event for every skier. There is the "lungs"division in which skiers run up and down the hills using skins, alpine touring or telemark skis, lycra and big lungs. Or there is the "lifts" division in which the skiers make use of the benefit of diesel tractor engines. Either way both divisions involve a lot of skiing as fast as you can and a lot of fun.

Needless to say the beer hits you pretty quickly come Saturday evening.


Hi and welcome to the Craigieburner ski mountaineering race for 2009. The event is down for Saturday 5th September. We are looking forward to a great event. Two critical things have happened. Firstly Scarpa and Marmot have come on board with some huge support. There will be two pairs to Scarpa ski boots to go. These will be awarded on a spot prize basis so you gotta be there to be a chance. Secondly we have snow. Coverage at CV is done to big bend already. Conditions are setting up nicely for the season.

Over coming weeks we will be posting more information on the event and on some of the goings on with Scarpa and Craigieburn. We hope to see you soon.